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Symptoms are a gift that enables us to identify there is something not quite right, they are real and should not be left unattended.


Food is medicine. Everyone has different requirements and responses to food. First, we need identify what food allergies and/or sensitivities an individual may have and then focus on the food that benefits them--providing the body with an abundance of energy to function at our best.


Our body is made to move. It is an incredible form that is you. A complex human body machine that fulfils the functions necessary for everyday living and that is capable of so much when we put in time and effort. We want to take care to gradually build a strong, healthy system, from the inside out.


The mind is extremely powerful, and the healthier we are, the better we feel.

By further improving our mindset and becoming more self-aware we can create significant change that benefits our mood, focus and outlook on life—being able to achieve our daily goals and the demands that life can throw at us.


Sleep is our superpower. Good sleep = good outcomes. The amount of good quality sleep we get, allows the mind and body to recharge. Ensuring we are giving ourselves the opportunity for a restful sleep will truly benefit anyone to achieve more in their day at a higher level of functioning.  


When we take the time to focus on ourselves and feel better about who we are--with improved confidence and self-esteem, we are able to build long lasting and meaningful relationships that last a lifetime. Having strong, healthy relationships help to improve our overall well-being and helps to create a positive impact on those around us.


Your guide to a
healthy self & body

Jayden Pileggi Functional Medicine is about identifying your needs as an individual in order to create a treatment plan to improve and optimise your health.

Whether or not you have a number of mild to chronic health conditions and are seeking answers; or, you are wanting to improve your health, fitness & lifestyle goals in any way - our purpose is to be there to guide and motivate you throughout your health journey.

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Love for New Found Energy

Energy without the Pain

A holistic and individual patient centred approach addressing the underlying cause of illnesses with the aim of longer-lasting benefits.

A Love for New Found Energy


Jayden Pileggi

Jayden Pileggi is a health enthusiast with many years of experience within the health, lifestyle, and medical field. Completing a Bachelor of Exercise & Sport Science degree, he worked in several roles with the goal of enhancing peoples’ physical performance. Jayden later completed a Master of Occupational Therapy degree after which he worked 10 years in the Mental Health sector for Western Australia’s largest hospital organisation.

For Jayden, he has always been driven with the intent to treat his patients through a more science-based holistic approach, combining both mental and physical health with the main objective of optimising overall wellness.

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