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Blood Does Not Lie

There are many types of tests out there, and many that we use at Jayden Pileggi Functional Medicine. In this blog I specifically want to discuss blood tests.

Blood testing is one of the quickest and less invasive style of treatment testing methodologies available. Through a blood test we can quickly locate troublesome areas and trends that are at the early stages of illness and disease. Furthermore, a blood test can be beneficial for overall wellness as we can observe areas needing a little more support to continue feeling your best.

When we go to our GP to have our blood examined, most doctors tend to look at the ‘normal’ ranges or look for significant red flags provided by the pathology company to identify disease and compare markers to the 90th percentile of people in the world. These ranges are far too broad to sufficiently spot any health problems before they become pathology and are not successful for detecting the emergence of subtle abnormalities.

You may have already experienced going to your GP to get a blood test done because you were feeling tired, or you’ve been trying to lose weight but can’t, or some other symptoms that have been bothering you—and at the end of the day, you were told that your bloods were all in the ‘normal’ range which can unfortunately sometimes make you feel like it’s ‘all in my head’.

The way I look at bloods through functional blood testing is very different. The report I use is extremely comprehensive being approximately 100 pages in length. With these reports I can get a closer look under the bonnet and during our sessions I will go over your markers and health trends with you, structuring a treatment plan based on your needs, discovering the answers you have been seeking and picking up any possible signs of dysfunction early on.

I have taken a snapshot so you can get an idea of what I use in my practice and the detail these reports entail. A full example report can be found on my website, by heading to OUR REPORTS.

In the snapshot above, this shows there is high probability of dysfunction within the gastrointestinal tract, and if things remain in the current trajectory, can lead to health complications in the future. By identifying the reasons for low stomach acid and treating the bacterial infection present through various methods and a well-thought-out protocol, we will notice significant health improvements in other areas as well.

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